Toronto International Qur’an Competition, with the grace of Allah, is an organization focused on doing good and serving the Noble Qur’an of Allah, with hopes of encouraging the younger generation to be people of this enlightening Book, whilst strengthening the practice of its noble manner. The prestigious Toronto International Qur’an Competition intends to revive the community’s relationship with the Noble Book of Allah. 


إنّ مسابقة تورونتو الدولية للقرآن الكريم ، بفضل الله تعالى ، تقوم بالتركيز على عملِ الخيرِ ، وخدمةِ كتابِ الله ، على أملِ تشجيعِ الشبابِ اليافعين ليكونوا جيلاً قرآنيّاً مؤهَّلاً للقيامِ بواجبِ هذا الكتابِ المُنير ، والإلتزامِ العمليِّ بتعاليمه العظيمة .إنّ هذه المسابقةَ الرائعةَ تهدفُ الى إحياءِ الروابطِ بين أبناءِ الجاليةِ الاسلاميةِ والقرآن الكريم .


The Competition aims at serving the Qur’an and raising the general level of reciting the Quran through encouraging the younger generation to stay practical on the religion and to realize their duty towards the correct Aqeedah and message of Islam, having the spirit of competition in terms of memorizing the Quran with effort and proper recitation, honoring the distinguished ones in memorization of the Quran and lastly honoring the personalities and organization which good efforts in serving the Quran in Canada.